278 George St Sydney NSW
With their team of cannabinoid experts, Tetra Health provides support to patients and medical practitioners across Australia. They are product agnostic, and their doctors prescribe a wide range of medicines, believing in full transparency – meaning no hidden fees.
Following a physician consultation, they can obtain TGA approval for the prescription within 48 hours, and their consultations can be done by phone or by video.
Patients seeking access to medicinal cannabis can set up an initial consultation with Tetra Health, where a specialist nurse will call to review medical history and discuss treatment options. After that, they will develop a personalised care plan that suits the patient’s individual needs and treatment goals.
The next stage is meeting with a physician, where the patient can opt for in clinic or telehealth appointments depending on what is most convenient and efficient. They have physicians across Australia to assist as needed and they can work collaboratively with the patient’s treating physicians. Once TGA and State applications are approved, the patient’s prescription is dispensed from a pharmacy. Patients will receive ongoing treatment support from a specialist nurse.
To begin the medicinal cannabis prescription process with Tetra Health, patients will need to request a referral or health summary from their treating doctor to be submitted before the nurse consultation. They also accept patient referrals from doctors and offer CPD Accredited Training and prescribing assistance for medical practitioners and pharmacists.
Tetra Health can be contacted for enquiries by phone at 1800 861 099, or by email at [email protected] or [email protected] depending on your needs.
Industry: Medical Cannabis
Sub Industry: Service Provider
About (30 words): Tetra Health is one of the largest and most well-known cannabis specialist clinics in Australia. With years of experience under their belt, they have some of the greatest expertise in the industry.
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